House Sparrows
The House Sparrow is a bird of the Sparrow Family.It is found in most parts of the world not just the U.S or Missouri.It has a Typical Length of 16cm and a mass of 24-39gms.Males have bright black, brown and white markings while females are colored pale and grey
Woodpeckers are part of the bird family Picidae, which aso includes the piculets, wrynecks and sap suckers. Members of this family are found worldide execpt for Australia, New guinea, New Zealand, and exreme polar regions.
Northern Cardinal
The Northern cardinal or the redbird, or just cardinal is a very common bird in missouri. Males are bright red with a crest while females are a browish/olive color with a black face.
Eastern Bluebird
the eastern bluebird is a small north american migratory bird found in open woodlands , farmlands, and orchards.The males are a very bright blue which makes them favorites of bird watchers.
American Goldfinch
The American goldfinch is a small North American bird in the finch family. It is migratory, ranging from mid-Alberta to North Carolina during the breeding season, and from just south of the Canada–United States border to Mexico during the winter.
Common Food sources for Missouri Birds
- Bugs
- Different Seeds
- Nectar
- Small animals
Commonly Spotted birds in Missouri
- Cardinal
- Sparrows
- Goldfinch
- Blue Jay
- Woodpeckers